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  1. P

    Customize Email

    It worked great, thanks a lot. There was a missing quote, but I was able to find it. $notice_email .= "\nRecord Updated by: ".$current_user."\n\n\n";
  2. P

    Customize Email

    I get it now Debbie. I think you didn't get what I mean. I'm not updating or displaying users_tab table, I just want to retrieve the username of the person making a change (I guess it comes from users_tab) in a table and send it with the mail notification about changes in some tables. Just to...
  3. P

    Customize Email

    No, I don't. How do I display username field in any view? Thanks for your help, until tuesday...
  4. P

    Allow admin user to bypass the ID_user restrictions

    I tried what dadabiknewbie suggested on 07-29-06, but it doesn't work: * Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /admin/include/business_logic.php:1) in /admin/include/common_start.php on line 111 Warning...
  5. P

    Customize Email

    I'm trying to send the update notice email with an additional field: the username of the person who made that change. Just to know who did what changes. So far I figured out that I have to mess with function build_insert_update_notice_email_record_details on business_logic.php. But I'm not a...
  6. P

    Visible tables for different users

    I'm trying to do the same thing. I have setup 10 tables, and I want to have 10 users to update only their assigned table, but currently anyone with "user" status can see and modify all 10 tables. This answer was the closer one I can find to what I need. The "if (username = Robert ) { echo...