I need help




I worked intensively on DadaBIK module for PHP-Nuke (www.uwatau.de) and in doing so I came across a few things, which I would like to get your help.

While integrating this program into PHP-Nuke CMS, I found that, the variable $sql was causing problems, as it is used by other programs as well. Would it not be wise to use another variable, like $sql_dadabik. Well, for my hack, I had to rename this variable.

You are using the GET method for moving around some variables like table_name. This is found for example in admin.php

For the module(the stand alone version was file), this does not work properly, so I had to change this to POST.

Of course, I had to change all the declarations as well, e.g.
$table_name = $HTTP_POST_VARS["table_name"]

Why do you use this method for this particular variable?

In business_logic.php at around line 1790 you will find this code for the navigations bar:

For my module, this variable (sql=".urlencode($sql)…..) was causing a lot of problems, until I deactivated it.

I always have to do the following changes in the business_logic.php file to make the tables nice-looking.

Change at around line 1630
$results_table .= "<table class=\"results\">";
$results_table .= "<table class=\"results\" width=\"100%\">";

Just below it, change fixed width:
$results_table .= "<th class=\"results\"> </th>"; // skip the first column for edit, delete and details

$results_table .= "<th class=\"results\" width=\"90\"> </th>"; // skip the first column for edit, delete and details

REMOVE "nowrap" as it is causing ugly tables!
$results_table .= "<td valign=\"top\" nowrap class=\"results\">";

Use instead the width = 100% table above
$results_table .= "<td valign=\"top\" class=\"results\">";



I forgot this:

I cannot use the db_primary_key_field

Whenever I put the name of the database there as described below, the whole module collapses.

Why? How can this be done?

In internal_database.htm it is written:
db_primary_key_field (the name of the database that contains the table you want to use in order to fill your select field, if this field is blank DaDaBIK uses the $db_name specified in config.php)


Richard wrote:

> I forgot this:
> I cannot use the db_primary_key_field
> Whenever I put the name of the database there as described
> below, the whole module collapses.
> Why? How can this be done?
> In internal_database.htm it is written:
> db_primary_key_field (the name of the database that contains
> the table you want to use in order to fill your select field,
> if this field is blank DaDaBIK uses the $db_name specified in
> config.php)

I don't provide support for the DaDaBIK PHPNuke module because I don't know it, I've developed DaDaBIK but I don't know much about the PHPnuke module.


(Latest version of DaDaBIK when this message was posted: 2.2.1)


Thanks Eugenio,

I solved the problem: the problem had to do with database user definitions.
