installation problem - empty database


mark pinto

i've created a database and changed the information in config.php...then i lauch my browser to install.php to fill in the database, and i receive this message:
"Your database is empty. No tables found"
well, duh. isnt that for install.php is for, to create the tables in the database? i've tried going to admin.php and i get that same message.

Paul Sharpe

You MUST also create the INITIAL tables in your database. The install.php script is looking for some TABLES in your database. From that, it creates the additional tables required by DaDaBik.

(1) You create the database.
(2) You create the initial tables you require for your install. eg: Primary Key, Last Name, First Name, Address 1, Address 2, etc, etc, etc.......
(3) You run install.php

I use MySQL-Front to create the initial database tables.

Hope this helps.

Paul Sharpe