Show all records after inserting a record




is it possible to load the index page or another page automatically after inserting a record. After successfully inserting a new record the insert record page will be loaded again. To avoid this and to avoid the click on the SHOW ALL button it would be nice to define the index page or a own page to load.

Anybody who can help me? Many thanks.


Ben Thorp

From what I can see of the form.php file I am not sure it is possible to do this simply.

The form.php is basically a single php file that does all the work, depending on a set of variables.

$function tells it what type of form to display, if the page is being reloaded from within itself
$form_type tells it what type of form to display if loaded from the front page

When you do your initial insert, the insert page then calls form.php but sets $function to 'insert'. When this is called, on the next page load the insert section runs, and checks all the inputs. If there is an incorrect input, it will redisplay the form with all the fields filled in so that you don't have to enter everything again. If all inputs are correct, it inserts the record, and simply displays the fields blankly, giving you a 'fresh' insert page.

However, this is only from a reasonably cursory glance over the code, so I could be wrong - if your happy to delve into the PHP then there may be a way (and if so, then post it here) but otherwise I'm afraid you will have to cope with the status quo (which is handy if you're doing a lot of data-entry)


André wrote:

> Hi,
> is it possible to load the index page or another page
> automatically after inserting a record. After successfully
> inserting a new record the insert record page will be loaded
> again. To avoid this and to avoid the click on the SHOW ALL
> button it would be nice to define the index page or a own page
> to load.

This feature is available in the version 3.0, which I'm going to release.

(Latest version of DaDaBIK when this message was posted: 2.2.1)


Thanks for your reply. And thanks for that great tool. André