Table Row Height


Jacques Greeff

How can i change the height of the results table?

thx in advance.


Jacques Greeff wrote:
> How can i change the height of the results table?

Use style.css.


(Latest version of DaDaBIK when this message was posted: 2.2.1)


This one has stumped a few people, myself included. Changing the stylesheet has no effect. The problem exists because the edit, delete, and details buttons are embedded inside a form.

Different browsers display forms in different ways, and IE has an issue with a form field displaying with a minimum height, often times too much for my tastes. If anyone has a solution to control the form input height in IE, I would love to hear about it!

In the mean time, I created a fairly acceptable workaround. You will need to edit include/business_logic.php. Be Careful editing this file! Dreamweaver will make a mess of it, even though it usually treats php files nicely. Use a plain text editor...

Lines 1567, 1571, and 1575 contain the forms for iserting the edit, delete, and details buttons. I opted to change the images to plain form submit buttons, as they are easier to read and the output looks better. This example is for line 1575 of business_logic.php, the details button. This line is quite long, but at the end of it you will find the following:

<input type=\"image\" src=\"".$details_icon."\" alt=\"".$submit_buttons_ar["details"]."\" border=\"0\"></form> </td>";

Replace that part of the line with this for a standard form button:

<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Details\"></form></td>";

Now we need to center the text in the rows to improve the appearance a bit more. Go to line 1584. It starts with:

$results_table .= "<td valign=\"top\"

and change it to:

$results_table .= "<td valign=\"middle\"

That will center the text with the button. It still looks a bit funky in IE, but it's certainly better, and looks quite good in Netscape or Opera. You can view an example of how my changes look here:

Hope this helps somebody....

