logging in


Eddy Bodde

hello Eugenio,

first of all I like to say that DaDaBIK is a rel fantastic piece of art.

But I have a question.

I use a loginscript to enter your index.php.
One field in the log-in database is a memebernumber.
I would like to take that number of the member who logged into DADABIK and view only the record that belong to that member.
So on the search-page this field is invisible BUT set for that number.
Also I like that the link <Show all records> only works when I log in myself (kind of admin-function)

I hope you can help me because you did such a great job in making DaDaBIK that i lost track of all the scripts and internal tabels.

Thank you so much for letting me use your programm

Eddy Bodde

P.S. I use one database with two tables; one for logging in and one for my real records, beside i have (ofcourse) the two internal tables in that same database.


Eddy Bodde wrote:
> hello Eugenio,
> first of all I like to say that DaDaBIK is a rel fantastic
> piece of art.
> But I have a question.
> I use a loginscript to enter your index.php.
> One field in the log-in database is a memebernumber.
> I would like to take that number of the member who logged
> into DADABIK and view only the record that belong to that
> member.
> So on the search-page this field is invisible BUT set for
> that number.
> Also I like that the link <Show all records> only works when
> I log in myself (kind of admin-function)

It's impossible to get this behaviou without changing some code, try yourself looking in business_logic.php


(Latest version of DaDaBIK when this message was posted: 2.2.1)