[08] Error: during query execution.


New member
DaDaBik Version: v.4.2 (February, 18 2007)

Debug output:
[08] Error: during query execution.
CREATE TABLE `dadabik_new table` ( id_field INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name_field VARCHAR(50), label_field VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', type_field VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'text', content_field VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'alphanumeric', present_search_form_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', present_results_search_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', present_details_form_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', present_insert_form_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', present_ext_update_form_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', required_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', check_duplicated_insert_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', other_choices_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', select_options_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', primary_key_field_field VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', primary_key_table_field VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', primary_key_db_field VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', linked_fields_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', linked_fields_order_by_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', linked_fields_order_type_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', select_type_field VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'is_equal/contains/starts_with/ends_with/greater_than/less_then/is_null/is_empty', prefix_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', default_value_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', width_field VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', height_field VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', maxlength_field VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '100', hint_insert_field VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', order_form_field INTEGER NOT NULL, separator_field VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '~', PRIMARY KEY (id_field) )
DBMS server said: BLOB/TEXT column 'select_options_field' can't have a default value

Windows XP Pro Service Pack2
MySQL client version: 5.0.45
MySQL Server version: 5.0.45-community-nt
Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13

I get the this error on initial installation. I have not had a successful DaDaBik installation on this configuration. Two tables do get created. 1) dadabik_table_list and 2)user_tab. There were no problems or errors when installing MySQL or PHPmyAdmin (version:2.11.3)


New member
Here is what fixed the problem, this was found in another post with the subject "Installation Problem". It was found by 'Googling' for part of the original error message which was "DBMS server said: BLOB/TEXT column 'select_options_field' can't have a default value".

The fix was to modify the MySQL INI file "my.ini", Found in "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0"

Change this:
# Set the SQL mode to strict

To This:
# Set the SQL mode to strict



New member
Hi, this is my bug, sorry for the bad english, i just speak spanish.


[08] Error: during query execution.
SELECT `estado`.`id_estado`, `estado`.`Nombre_estado` FROM `estado` ORDER BY `estado`.`` ASC
DBMS server said: Unknown column 'estado.' in 'order clause'

DaDaBIK version: 4.2
Database: Mysql 5.0.24a
Virtual server: appserv v2.5.7
Web explorer: Firefox v5.0

Thanks for the quickly answer, lol. Good Luck.



DaDaBIK Guru
SELECT `estado`.`id_estado`, `estado`.`Nombre_estado` FROM `estado` ORDER BY `estado`.`` ASC
DBMS server said: Unknown column 'estado.' in 'order clause'

In the bold part above, it is not finding a column to order your records by - the field part is blank.

Why this is happening, I cannot say as I do not have access to your install. Ensure you have a primary key in your DB Table and have followed all the instructions in the documentation.
